Thursday, June 30, 2011

The Guessing Game

The answer to which lies within me.

Apart from the excitement surrounding my birth. There is one more hoop-hoola doing the rounds. My gender.

I don’t get, why the importance. I mean irrespective of it “I” am important.

But it seems like it’s a good pass time for the so called adults. There seems to be myths surrounding how to detect my gender.

Some say my cute prego mom is looking “not-good”. So that means I am a boy.

She is carrying big. So I am a girl.

My heart beat says I am a girl.

Some just feel by instinct that I am a girl/boy.

I like to hear the discussion. I like to bask in the glory that I know the secret. I am excited to see my mom’s reaction when I am out there. That’s the guessing game I am playing. I am wondering how my mum and dad are going to react when they see me.

Not much time left to unravel the mystery. Till then ciao. Need to get back to my work, of preparing to come out and meet you guys out there.

Oh the stubborn cervix. Its an effort to dilate it. I am not having it as easy as you guys think!!! Aaah!!!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

OSP's @ Nasik

Lemme tell u sweetheart, your mom is one helluva lazy bum... and now that her bum is growing in size, thanks to you being inside her, her laziness is also growing.

so dont mind the fact that there has been no post on your blog since long.
she has herself been quite wrapped up in neha's wedding, my engagement, the shifting and plus all the wierd pains in various parts of her body...

but dont you worry, now you are at Nasik!! the City of Joy for your mom, me and Neha Masi.
and howmuchever your grandmom (nani) might give your mom all the advice , you can rest assured she and therefore you will be well taken care of... and of course there is vicky who am sure will pamper you crazy :)

so sweetheart, here's inviting you to our own City of Joy and your birthtown, Nasik. I am sure you will love the place as much as we do...

Welcome to Nasik :)

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


That’s how u met me the firstest time we did OSP….
U kicked off an introduction to me :) and I loved it!
With that kick u can either become a footballer (if u r a boy) or a superb hip hop dancer (if u turn out to be a gurl).
But yeah… I know it's a favorite pastime of elders to think up of a profession for the kids… he/she will become a doctor… no singer… no dancer… no blah blah…
So I will not start off with that crap me too… (what? I already did?? Oops… sorry… guess I am of the elder generation now!)
Well well… so now there is a generation below ours...i mean yeah there always was - but this is very direct. Sort of like - 'Grow up now ladies… u r supposed to be my mommie (or aunty) and therefore take care of me!'

Alrighto sweetheart… we will…. And take such care of u, thou shalt be overwhelmed… :)
But not in the most "elderly" sort of way… sorry… somehow that is not our basic nature.

We are by default eccentric. Ur mom and us, Neha Masi and me.
We have big big plans for you… some are so kiddish that u will say "Oh Please... are u kiddin me mom!!" :)

Well, to tell you the truth sweetheart, you have chosen the most excitingly perfect time to come to the world.
So many things are happening that you are witnessing from in there… in the form of our excited discussions on them, bordering on hysteria… to ur mum's overall emotional disposition - 
hyper excited about going to Pune, Sad about staying away from your dad…
Sad bout not being able to dance on Gal Mithu mithu (oops… I mean Mithi Mithi bol…;) in Neha Masi's wedding...
But Super happy about u being able to attend the marriages :)
All in all an emotional Roller Coaster I must say…

But I am happy for the fact that by my marriage, your mommy will have grown real big with you!!
You will be able to hear properly all the wedding excitement… yyaay!!
So u will kind of be present for the wedding… :)
You might not understand what exactly is happening and what is all the fuss about, but try and enjoy the excitement... we will explain what it was later...  
and oh yeah the food shall be good too :)

Actually you know what... I think it all started with the "Mammy Poco Pants" ad. Your mom was obsessed with Mammy Poco Pants… and everytime that ad went on air - she would go on a "baby in my Tummy" ride…
But the actual conception happened on one particular Holiday - when, as usual I conveniently landed up @ the Pillay Place at lunch time… only to come to know that you had been give a shot at!
"aaj humne One Shot Pillay try kiya"… and then a few days later came the pregnancy stick with that holy red line …
Thou Hath Arrived OSP… :) :) :) 
and what glow you put on that face of your mom!! Wow it was…. :)

And since that day your mom has been ensuring that she does everything to make you a healthy and a smart kid.

Overall, I imagine you to be one of those super cute kids, who talks a lot… does crazy stuff (u cannot not do crazy stuff when u r Raji and Nishit Pillay's kid)… but is damn intelligent too (u have Raji for mom!)…

We are so hyper eagerly waiting for you to come out… see you… "awwww" you… pamper you… smother you…

Come Real soon… and come out real healthy… :)

Lots of hugs and lots of love to you sweetheart…

Your super lovingly Always Pilu Maushi :)

PS: I know the post is delayed sweetheart... but I shall more than make up for it. I promise.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Something filmy in her per se boring pregnancy!!!

Mom kept saying :
- no nausea
- no smell aversions
- no cravings
- apart from the growing me and the belly as proof, she felt her pregnancy lacked the filmy touch

That changed on 7th March at 10 in the night.

Here is how the story goes:

Starting 8 o'clock she had this urge to eat something. She thought pizza (but then she doesn't like it). She thought pani puri (she went and had it.. but still the nagging feeling pertained). She ordered biryani (but still not satisfied).
Finally she dozed off.

At 10 she wakes up wanting a watermelon. Ya, A Watermelon!!! At 10 in the night in Bangalore, finding a fruit vendor was the problem as per dad. So he cajoled her into sleeping and promised to get her a watermelon next day.
AT 10:30 she woke up again. Fidgeting here and there. Dad pulled her in her arms and she started weeping , in need of a watermelon!!! Ya, A Watermelon!!!

Dad had a brilliant idea.

At 10:30 the only hope he could think of was in a juice bar. He hoped it would be open. Anyways, they both rushed off to a juice bar. Lucky that my mom is, it was open.
She ordered 3 watermelon juices and satisfied her craving for a watermelon.

What an idea dadjee!!!

My mom slept peacefully.

She was happy for the following things:
- she got a craving
- she got a craving at weird time (10 that accounts to "filmy")
- dad didnt write it off and very cutely fulfilled her wish (thats the most happiest thing for her)
- she got the watermelon!!! (was i happy too? people say should be coz of me)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

First Promo!!!

Pillay & Panicker Pictures Presents

A Nishit and Raji Production

" Awesome Baby"

OneShot Pillay

Releasing at a hospital near you soon !!!!

"Picture abhi baaki hai mere dost"

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Mom dad and me!!!!

Maa and Me!!!

dearest and Me in my 5th mnth.
(i am soo cute)

Introducing Daddy Pillay!!!

We !!! The Family

Nishit Pillay, Raji Pillay and OneShot Pillay!!!
(I am hoping they would be finding me a better name)

I am there hidden behind the bag. They stole my footage. J people :P

I am not completely sure my parents have grown up!!! Funny people...........
BTW, we are celebrating their anniversary. The chocolate cake was yummy.

Thats our super awesome family.


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Lights Camera "ACTION"

Huff Huff Puff Puff!!!!!!!!
Am I gaining strength or what!!! My hands legs move. Its kinda fun. The only way to pass my time, while I float around in Mommy's tummy.

The bonus point is, mommy gets extremely excited when I do my routine exercises. Silly her!!! She will shout it out to the world. "my baby moved".
I am like "duh". Whaddya expect !!!

I even played hide and seek with her. I did meditation instead of exercise (basically she couldnt feel me). And you guessed it right. 3 days and she got paranoid. Popped the question "Why aint OSP kicking?".

Pilu maushi even asked to call the doctor. And she did.

Before she got out of hand, I decided exercise was the best. It keeps me in shape you see. And it keeps mum happy too. I like to keep her happy.

Obviously she got dad involved too in her question mark. But he is a cool man. He kept talking to me hoping I would come out of my meditation.
I finally gave up, they wont let me swim in peace.

So here I am. Kicking away to glory and love. (Psst Psst.. I am certain she wont be so thrilled if I kick her when I am out there with you guys)

P.S I am 20 weeks new now.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Maa meri maa.. maa oooooo meri maa

Thats my mum. I am in there too.. This is when I am 14 weeks old. For all the people who find it difficult to grasp in weeks. I am into my 4th mnth. Duh!!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Band Baaja Baraat

Neha maasi is getting married. Mom , maasi and Pilu maushi keep yapping about it.
Guess what I got my own personal invite too :)

Dearest sweetheart AB,

It gives us immense pleasure to invite you for our wedding on the 23rd of April, 2011 at Imperial Banquets here in Vashi, Navi Mumbai. It's a Saturday and a long weekend too with Friday being a holiday for Good Friday :) You just cant miss this one!!

The detailed invite will soon follow. Until then, please treat this as a personal invite on our behalf so that you can start planning! Book your tickets, apply for leave, shop... etc!

Hope to see you at the wedding!


Sid & Me :)

....So you must be wondering ki here goes Neha masi on another one of her funny trips! But no! This darling is an invite to you for my wedding! You will be attending it in a very special way! You will still be in Mommy's tummy.. gearing up to jump out! Which is why Mommy wont be able to perform as initially planned with Pilu maushi.. But that's ok! We pardon you that! You better make up for it by being the cutest, most adorable baby ever ok!!!?!?! :D
So you are the luckiest one.. you wont have to shop or bother about leaves / exams or book tickets! Which makes you one of our most special guests you know!! Really really looking forward to seeing you darling.. for the wedding and after that! Muuaahh!!

Neha masi :)

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Neha maasi wrote this to me.. aint she a sweetheart!!!

Dear AB,

In case you are wondering why am i calling you AB, it stands for Awesome Baby! Coz that is exactly what you are going to be!

So we have met once. Very briefly. Your mommy hasn't yet shown me your pic.. Such are the tragic tales of living in another city! :( But that's ok. Coz you see we have a connection that surpasses the need of me seeing you pic sweetheart :)

Yes your mommy is a little crazy but that is what makes her special kiddo! She is unique - in a good way! And you are in for a roller coaster ride of a life! Your parents are one of the cutest set of people i know! But they are parents at the end of the day and they will get painful!! ;-) So when that happens, you know what to do! You can call me when you need tips on how to handle your mom! Trust me i have enough experience with this mad woman who is also absolutely in love with you!!

You should also know that the three of us - Mommy, Pilu maushi and me - put together, we are crazy about you and we have some huge ass plans for you. So just six more months.. and you will be ready to step in to the most crazy, fun-filled, and full of love world of ours :)

Your daddy darling is a very smart, intelligent and a gem of a person.. He's a bit scared right now coz he wants to make sure that everything goes perfectly well for you! About the "baby" confusion.. mommy will take care of that and we'll get you another nick name!

Ok.. the most important thing you should know about me.. I LOVE to talk and write long letters! :P But i guess for a first, i'll stop here :)

Until later AB.. be good.. and know that apart from mommy and daddy, we love you too.. and a LOT at that! Muuaaaahhhh!!!!

Neha masi :)

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Hey Ho!!!

Hey Worldy...

Honestly I have been wanting to scream out and boast about myself... But you know how parents are!!! (Mommy is really lazy) Pilu maushi gave up on Mommy.. Neha maasi , I guess forgot :P
U know how aunts are!!!!

Oh lemme introduce myself..

Me's OneShotPillay the world of Raji and Nishit Pillay. I am the creativity of the mentioned 2. And boy what a creation I am. Simply Awesome. (BTW Neha maasi wanted me named awesome Pillay)

I am 13 weeks old. Growing fast and strong.

My mommy had a peek at me and she went crazy. She couldn't stop laughing. She went mad and was so excited that I had fingers and legs and hands. Weirdo Mum... (Actually no.. i am so cute.. she had to go crazy)

Dads not seen me yet. Although he saw my pics. It was not clicked from an SLR sorts. Not the most perfect picture, I must say. Irrespective of the pic, i am reiterating, I am cute. (Pilu Maushi said so)

I live in a watery world. My mums carrying me around. Dads not that privileged ;) . I am guessing by the feel of it, my mom adores me. She keeps talking to me and keeps moving her hand around her belly. She keeps still and waits for me to make a movement. But I am playing pricey. I am going to take my own sweet time to make her crazier.

Dads taking care of mum. So via via he is taking care of me. He talks to me. I know it. But i get confused. He calls me baby and mum also baby. So suddenly I'll hear "baby" only to realize he is talking to mom. Somebody explain it to him.

Time for me to take a nap. Will be seeing you guys around soon.