Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Something filmy in her per se boring pregnancy!!!

Mom kept saying :
- no nausea
- no smell aversions
- no cravings
- apart from the growing me and the belly as proof, she felt her pregnancy lacked the filmy touch

That changed on 7th March at 10 in the night.

Here is how the story goes:

Starting 8 o'clock she had this urge to eat something. She thought pizza (but then she doesn't like it). She thought pani puri (she went and had it.. but still the nagging feeling pertained). She ordered biryani (but still not satisfied).
Finally she dozed off.

At 10 she wakes up wanting a watermelon. Ya, A Watermelon!!! At 10 in the night in Bangalore, finding a fruit vendor was the problem as per dad. So he cajoled her into sleeping and promised to get her a watermelon next day.
AT 10:30 she woke up again. Fidgeting here and there. Dad pulled her in her arms and she started weeping , in need of a watermelon!!! Ya, A Watermelon!!!

Dad had a brilliant idea.

At 10:30 the only hope he could think of was in a juice bar. He hoped it would be open. Anyways, they both rushed off to a juice bar. Lucky that my mom is, it was open.
She ordered 3 watermelon juices and satisfied her craving for a watermelon.

What an idea dadjee!!!

My mom slept peacefully.

She was happy for the following things:
- she got a craving
- she got a craving at weird time (10 night..so that accounts to "filmy")
- dad didnt write it off and very cutely fulfilled her wish (thats the most happiest thing for her)
- she got the watermelon!!! (was i happy too? people say should be coz of me)

1 comment:

  1. AB!! Tell me the truth sweetheart.. u instigated the craving right!? U naughty little prankster!!
    But its ok even if u did.. Coz it made your mommy tremendously happy!!
    The initial phase when she was crying for a watermelon (that still amazes me though!!) must have been tough for both her and daddy.. but they braced it well! Three stars to daddy for that! Hope u enjoyed the juice!! ;-)
