Monday, January 17, 2011

Band Baaja Baraat

Neha maasi is getting married. Mom , maasi and Pilu maushi keep yapping about it.
Guess what I got my own personal invite too :)

Dearest sweetheart AB,

It gives us immense pleasure to invite you for our wedding on the 23rd of April, 2011 at Imperial Banquets here in Vashi, Navi Mumbai. It's a Saturday and a long weekend too with Friday being a holiday for Good Friday :) You just cant miss this one!!

The detailed invite will soon follow. Until then, please treat this as a personal invite on our behalf so that you can start planning! Book your tickets, apply for leave, shop... etc!

Hope to see you at the wedding!


Sid & Me :)

....So you must be wondering ki here goes Neha masi on another one of her funny trips! But no! This darling is an invite to you for my wedding! You will be attending it in a very special way! You will still be in Mommy's tummy.. gearing up to jump out! Which is why Mommy wont be able to perform as initially planned with Pilu maushi.. But that's ok! We pardon you that! You better make up for it by being the cutest, most adorable baby ever ok!!!?!?! :D
So you are the luckiest one.. you wont have to shop or bother about leaves / exams or book tickets! Which makes you one of our most special guests you know!! Really really looking forward to seeing you darling.. for the wedding and after that! Muuaahh!!

Neha masi :)

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