Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Neha maasi wrote this to me.. aint she a sweetheart!!!

Dear AB,

In case you are wondering why am i calling you AB, it stands for Awesome Baby! Coz that is exactly what you are going to be!

So we have met once. Very briefly. Your mommy hasn't yet shown me your pic.. Such are the tragic tales of living in another city! :( But that's ok. Coz you see we have a connection that surpasses the need of me seeing you pic sweetheart :)

Yes your mommy is a little crazy but that is what makes her special kiddo! She is unique - in a good way! And you are in for a roller coaster ride of a life! Your parents are one of the cutest set of people i know! But they are parents at the end of the day and they will get painful!! ;-) So when that happens, you know what to do! You can call me when you need tips on how to handle your mom! Trust me i have enough experience with this mad woman who is also absolutely in love with you!!

You should also know that the three of us - Mommy, Pilu maushi and me - put together, we are crazy about you and we have some huge ass plans for you. So just six more months.. and you will be ready to step in to the most crazy, fun-filled, and full of love world of ours :)

Your daddy darling is a very smart, intelligent and a gem of a person.. He's a bit scared right now coz he wants to make sure that everything goes perfectly well for you! About the "baby" confusion.. mommy will take care of that and we'll get you another nick name!

Ok.. the most important thing you should know about me.. I LOVE to talk and write long letters! :P But i guess for a first, i'll stop here :)

Until later AB.. be good.. and know that apart from mommy and daddy, we love you too.. and a LOT at that! Muuaaaahhhh!!!!

Neha masi :)

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